ReactNodeJSExpressMongoDBPostgresqlProgrammatic SEOPython
An image of a handsome, charming developer named Reid Mosieur ;)

I'm a technological mercenary (full stack developer for hire), seeker of truth, and pursuer of true autonomy.

My goal is to be good at what I do. How do I define that? Simple: I don't want to just bring high quality code to any project I work on but to do so elegantly and efficiently.

I believe developers should prioritize the needs of the business over the needs of the project, meaning doing what it takes to increase conversions, user retention, and reduce the cost of development without sacrificing usability, security, or performance.

Click these to check out the actual code for what you're looking at

Want to get straight into things with some of my projects? Check out my latest project and the thought process behind it here.

Here are a couple little games I whipped up to give you a break from reading the same "about me" for the hundredth time.

In my free time, I'm just like any other dopamine addicted little lab rat: I spend time with my wife and kids, play video games, and watch movies. Here are some of the things I've been into lately...

What I've been watching:

Data courtesy of The Movie Database

What I've been listening to:

My listening data courtesy of Spotify
Data courtesy of Spotify